Sun 2nd March – Painting contest – Masterstroke: Speedbrush
Welcome to our first instalment of the speed paint variant of our Masterstroke series painting contests here in Kingdom Wargames. This Sunday 2nd March you will compete with other painters in a speed paint contest in which we will provide you with either a Space Marine or a Stormcast Eternal model, and you will have up to seven hours to do your best painting.
We have three tiers:
– Rising Star: It’s your first time in a painting contest and probably you are not familiar with basing techniques, what’s a battle ready model, etc.
– Battleforged: You know how to paint a model up to battle ready standards, and this is your chance to try new techniques or speed up your process.
– Mastery: You are able to identify and apply pro painter’s styles and techniques, and your painting standards include OSL, complex UV basing, take this as a challenge to try new things.
– 1st place for each tier
– Best colour match: all the participants will vote for the painter who picked the best combination of colours.
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